“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla
In my work I define leadership as being the activity of influencing others in order to co-create coordinated movement in pursuit of a worthy ideal. Leadership is not command and control, it's not "my way or the highway", it's not "do it because I'm the boss", it's not superior over subordinate. It's also not a carrot and stick process of motivating others with external rewards to achieve your goals. While it does produce results, such leadership is jarring, disempowering, and often requires clean-up after the fact.
Coordinated movement is beautiful. It is a function of frequency not timing. An orchestral instrument or section that plays a score simply “in time” with other instruments or sections is not coordinating and is not in “flow”. What is being expressed is mechanically precise but it is missing a key ingredient that makes it beautiful, timeless, and memorable. Timing is an expression of an intersection of frequencies that doesn’t require phase alignment. Phase alignment is the co-created experience of flow. Beauty is the experienced expression of co-created coordination of energetic frequencies. It is a harmonic. Whether it is expressed as a Mozart sonata, Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, Michelangelo’s David, a beautiful sunset, or a perfectly executed strategy informed by “soul”, what has occurred is a phase alignment of frequency that, if held in coherence, produces an aligned experience that is outside of time and space. It exists and it is beautiful.
My invitation is to examine your leadership activity through the lens of "beauty". What frequency are you inviting other to harmonize with and how might you co-create this?
To master anything, we must first master ourselves — our emotions, our thoughts, our actions. In times of uncertainty and disorder, self-discipline and self-mastery are not just essential but are your competitive advantage.
Click HERE to find out how my Sustainable Success Toolkit can help you be a more "artful" and "masterful" leader.