I am absolutely THRILLED to let you know that my new book Compassionate Capitalism: A Journey to the Soul of Business has just been released. We are “launching” the book in two phases – a soft launch designed to promote visibility followed by a more traditional hard launch near the end of July.
In support of our soft launch I would love and greatly value your support…
The book is initially available on Amazon during this soft launch as an e-book (hard copy comes later). Our publisher has reduced the book’s price to 99 cents for a limited time during this phase because we want to get as many “paid” reviews as possible. These types of reviews are crucially important in the “Amazon world” in order to raise the books visibility.
It would mean a lot to me if you could take a moment to download the book and leave a review. The book will only be available at this reduced price for the duration of this soft launch, so if you could download it within the next two weeks (for vacation reading!), that would be great.
Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GOUOWFS
Thanks for considering this favor…I truly think you’ll love the book. I do, and early endorsements have been amazing!