We live lives of separation and it's killing us.
We are experientially separated from our ideals, our dreams and our humanity in ever more publicized ways. We see religious, political, racial and societal differences polarizing peoples around the world. Comparison, criticism, and condemnation are the default for many of our interactions with each other.
It's human nature to think that others are the problem. It's human nature to act as if we are the center of the universe and that our personal opinions are the "truth." It's human nature to want to be right about everything we believe. As a consequence, it's human nature to unthinkingly project present circumstances, people, and feelings into the future. As a consequence, it's human nature to have our future look so much like our past and to have fear be the dominant motivation for action.
Our "mind" defines what we believe to be real. It does so by utilizing our senses to observe and experience. All of our observations and experiences are filtered through our interpreting brain in ways that form beliefs and hardwired attitudes and assumptions. Research shows that 95% of who we are by the age of 35 is the result of habit and conditioning. By definition then, what is observed via our senses is experienced as being separate from the observer...it's out there. This leads to the "sense" that we are separate from the reality of our existence. As such, human nature is actually an unnatural state. It is a condition that has resulted in a world view rooted in separateness, not connection. Human nature is defined by a theology of separateness which has given rise to a separation based cosmology, a separation based psychology, a separation based society and a separation based pathology.
How do we not experience the symptoms of such a pandemic dis-ease? Fortunately, it's also human nature to have the ability to make different choices...to literally change our mind.
The human brain is unique from all other life forms on this planet. We have the capacity and ability to consciously change how our brains are "wired." Rewiring the circuitry of the brain has the potential to change what we experience as "mind." When we change the mind new possibilities begin to form. We diminish the influence of the 95% on our ability to act with consciousness. We begin to act in ways that are generative, holistic and honoring.
Mind is changed with intention, repetition and dedication. Mind is changed by becoming aware of how we think and examining the source of our feelings. Mind is changed by recognizing that creation is quantum entanglement with a new future. Mind is changed by acting as if we are connected via a field of energy with all that is around us. Mind is changed by an overwhelming desire for a new future that allows us to truly experience what it means to be human. Not human in the ways we have been taught. Human in a way that is consistent with the notion that we - all of us - were created in god's image. If we acted as if there were no one and no thing "out there" but ourselves we would act differently; we would not exhibit the symptoms of separation that falsely pose as the "human condition."