For most of us the future (and what we "have" in it) is a construct of our past. I'm an X kind of person with an X personality and that's why I have X types of results. This is where the notion of cause/effect comes from and this notion is no more "true" than saying the moon is made of cheese.
What each of us experiences as "reality" is nothing more than our consciousness made manifest. This flies in the face of the Descartian idea of a material world separate from a spiritual source. And, this also presences the question "what is consciousness?"
To Goddard, Emerson, Thoreau, Wattles, Hill and other philosophers from the American Transcendentalist period as well as mystics from all major religions, consciousness is the "first cause" of everything...consciousness is akin to Source, God, Shiva, Yahweh. And, if we can accept the idea of a first cause, it follow that the evolution of that cause could never result in anything foreign to itself. Everything that we observe and experience are higher or lower forms or variations of the same thing - consciousness. Consequently, what appears as conditions, circumstances and material objects are really only the product of your own consciousness. You and what you deem as "not you" cannot be regarded as existing separately. You and your world are one.
When we think of creating anything it's important to realize that "it" already exists in just hasn't yet been expressed (made manifest) in material form. And, it won't be until the appropriate vibrational state is realized. The future is created when the present expresses it's form - your "present" is your "future". We create through thought (consciousness) that is vibrationally aligned (in emotional frequency) with what is desired. When we begin to live, think, breathe, emote and behave as if our desired future were here today we have literally created an expression of our consciousness!